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Building resolute political alliances and partnerships with the likes of UKHospitality, NHSi, British Cleaning Council (BCC) and UK Housekeepers Association (UKHA) has proved to be an effective way of improving the power of our lobbying. We strengthen and build these relationships further with the help of the group to widen our network and in turn influence.


Lobbying 2023

Lobbying Fact Sheet

Question in Parliament

Lobbying PR

Lobbying Steering Strategy

Lobbying Letters

2022 – The Energy Crisis

To Chancellor of the Exchequer, 24th November 2022

To Secretary of State for BEIS, 24th November 2022

To Prime Minister, 24th November 2022

To Prime Minister, 5th September 2022

To Secretary of State for BEIS, 8th September 2022

To Chancellor of Exchequer, 8th September 2022

2021 – Government Support & Vaccine Priority

To Secretary of State for BEIS, 4th May 2021

Minister for COVID Vaccine Deployment, 1st February 2021

2020 – Government Support during Covid-19

Open Letter, 3rd November 2020

Open Letter, 8th October 2020

To Secretary of State for BEIS, 8th October 2020

To Chancellor of the Exchequer, 8th October 2020

Open Letter, 1st July 2020

To Chancellor of the Exchequer & Secretary of State for BEIS, 1st July 2020

To Chancellor of the Exchequer & Secretary of State for BEIS, 12 May 2020

To Chancellor of the Exchequer & Secretary of State for BEIS, 15 April 2020

Open Letter, 25th March 2020


Please get in touch with Emma if you wish to join the group or if you have any queries.