Christeyns UK supplies water saving equipment for Eton College

24 March 2021

Laundry chemical and engineering specialist Christeyns UK has helped Eton College in Windsor meet its environmental goals with a new water filtering system.

Eton college, the prestigious boarding school in Berkshire, has been educating for the future for over 600 years.  Founded in 1440, this outward-looking institution with over 1300 students, has a proud history and rich heritage, yet embraces innovation in its pursuit of excellence and the provision of a well-rounded education.

However, it is not only forward thinking in its educational goals but also in the operational day to day running of the college and its commitment to sustainability.

In 2017 the college cut its energy costs by replacing lamps and fixtures that led to a reduction in their carbon footprint by 61%.  Earlier this year the college tackled the issue of water saving with the installation of a new storage and filtering system, Lint X.

Renowned for its innovative water and energy saving systems, Christeyns installs equipment in commercial and on-premise laundries across the UK and Ireland that complement the use of its patented Cool Chemistry and other detergent programmes.

Eton College has had a laundry on site since 1881 and has been using Christeyns’ chemistry for almost a decade.  A dedicated team of 30 run and maintain the laundry that processes 50,000 items per week which includes everything from rugby kit to chef’s outfits.  Items are sorted, washed, ironed and then individually repacked for each boy. 

“As a whole, both the school and the pupils are focused on improving our environmental commitment,” states Facilities Manager Paul Bayley.  “Addressing water usage was one of the initiatives that came out of a recent meeting, realising that the old tank system was way beyond being efficient.”

Christeyns Water and Energy specialist Brett Cartwright analysed the current provision and needs of the College and a Lint X Compact was installed and up and running ready for the students return post lockdown.

The new unit will save the site around a third of their water usage which over the course of a year will represent a considerable saving and go a long way towards meeting the College’s sustainable targets.

Lint-X Compact comprises a pair of tanks for storing and filtering used water from the washing process, typically water from the press tanks and rinse water tanks of the CBW’s.

The unit operates between three to five pumps and a freshwater valve in order to supply several washing machines with filtered, but used water, thus reducing the freshwater consumption in a laundry.

Paul continues: “Christeyns carried out a very professional installation of the Lint-X unit despite the challenges imposed due to lockdown.  The whole process went very smoothly and I look forward to seeing the longer term impact on our water usage.”

Sustainability is a way of life, not just relevant to laundries.  With the help of Christeyns, Eton College is setting the right example for other educational institutions, for its pupils and for the wider community.

For further information visit:

Update from the TSA Chief Executive

Please note this news item is restricted for TSA members only. If you are a member already, please click here to log in.

If you are not a member and you would like to find out more about our membership benefits and how to become a member, please click here.

The TSA responds to the budget: commercial laundries are left in jeopardy

David Stevens, CEO of the TSA comments on the budget:

Commercial Laundries are Left in Jeopardy


Of course it’s good that the furlough scheme has been extended to September.  We’re happy that the Chancellor has also announced a new recovery loan scheme, the investment incentives are a definite plus so there are some positives.

Having said that, we’re very disappointed that the Chancellor didn’t see fit to expand the recovery net.  Commercial laundries are still in this enormous black hole outside of the government’s support bubble.  We aren’t eligible for business rates relief or for recovery grants, VAT reductions and so the list goes on.  We will see minimum wages increase at a time when we will be struggling to pay any wages!

Yet again the service support sector has been totally overlooked despite being part of and dependent on the hospitality industry who have been receiving support throughout the pandemic – it’s simply not fair.  This is not a good budget for our industry.

With support we could survive. Without it, commercial laundries, and the 24,000 people they employ, remain in real jeopardy. 




If you wish to discuss the above or if you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3151 5600 or at

TSA Knowledge Network Open Day

We were delighted to announce the date of TSA’s Knowledge Network Open Day in our January and February TSA CEO updates. 17th March 2021 will be packed full of great topics and panel discussions all through the day. The 2020 KN Open Day was the last in-person event we were able to host before the lockdown. We hope to carry on the same enthusiasm and engagement this year as well. The virtual event provides us with flexible options where we can invite targeted audience for the topic of their interest at specific time slots. We will also have a TSA web landing page where you will see all the details and registration links. We hope to cover topics such as Managing CTWs Safely, Healthcare Processing Standards, Energy Efficiency, Diversity, Apprenticeship etc.

Please share this with your colleagues and teams for whom the topics below may be of interest.

Please note, WebEx has changed their registration form slightly, therefore when you have clicked the registration button below for your chosen session, please ignore the meeting password and click straight on the blue register button as show in the image below. If you have any issues registering, please call Emma on 0754 322 0302.

Day Programme and How to Register:

Time and Topics

9:15am (20 mins)
Opening Session (relevant to all):

• Welcome
• Technical & Projects Updates
• Future projects
• Current projects
Register Here
Time and Topics
Who is it For?

9:45am (60 mins)
Health & Safety:

• Latest Statistics
• CTW Management
• TSA Resources
• Managing Covid-19 related H&S claims
• Q&A Session (TSA Steering Group)

Senior Managers
Transport Managers
Engineer / Managers
Health & Safety Teams
Production Managers
General Managers
Register Here

11:00am (60 mins)
Driving the Healthcare Standards

• Implementing BS EN 14065
• Preparing for certification
• New Opportunities

Quality Managers
Production Managers
General Managers
Business Development Managers
Register Here

12:30pm (40 mins)
Circular Economy – End-of-Life Textiles (Recycling)

• Why do this project?
• TSA Survey results
• Logistics (Circletex?)
• Marketing the key messages

Senior Managers
Quality Managers
Transport Managers
Marketing Managers
Register Here

2:00pm (45 mins)
Energy Efficiency

• Climate Change Targets (Jacobs)
• Grant funding / Carbon Trust
• Energy audits
• Latest technologies

Engineer / Managers
Energy Procurement Teams
Production Managers
General Managers
Register Here

3:00pm (30 mins)
Inclusion and Diversity

• Women in the industry
• Diversity
• Mental Health

HR Directors
Change Managers
Senior Managers
Register Here

3:45pm (45 mins)

• Role of TSA’s Trailblazer group
• Online training delivery
• End point assessment

Senior Managers
Training Managers
HR Managers
Register Here


As mentioned, please forward this on to your colleagues and teams for whom the topics above may be of interest. Each session is going to be managed separate to one another. You are free to attend all the sessions. However, the day programme is designed for the attendees to be selective.

We look forward to seeing you there.

If you wish to discuss the above or if you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3151 5600 or at

CleanEx 2021 inc Hospitality Expo

26th & 27th September 2021

With the exciting news, in the UK, that large gatherings can commence from 21st June. We can confirm CleanEx is planned for 26th & 27th September.

This is a motivating time for exhibitors and visitors to CleanEx and Hospitality Expo. 

For those looking to exhibit there are just a few stands remaining and if you are looking to get out and network, CleanEx and Hospitality Expo will be one of the first industry events where you can meet friends, colleagues, find prospective new business, network, see innovative new products, machinery and so much more…

Let’s make this event a celebration of our industry!

For stand enquiries, please click here

 or to attend, please click here

More details can be found here.

Lincoln laundry calls for government action; “Laundries are getting short shrift”

“The future recovery is being put at risk” – the government is failing commercial laundries

Lincoln Laundry highlights holes in government support of hospitality industry

Lincoln Laundry, based in North Hykeham, Lincoln, is a family run business employing 15 people that provides high quality laundry services for a range of industries, including hotels, restaurants and catering, education and healthcare, as well as supplying workwear and a range of specialist services. Its experience of the Covid-19 pandemic is that of many commercial laundries, having been denied much of the financial support provided to other industries. “The government says it understands the importance of the hospitality industry, but it’s leaving the businesses that support the industry to their own devices,” says Ahmed Hassan, director of Lincoln Laundry. “And the longer it goes on, the harder it gets.”

Lincoln Laundry is a member of the Textile Services Association (TSA), which has been increasingly concerned by the reports of its members at the lack of support they are entitled to.  With 24,000 people being employed by the industry, decisive action is required to save those jobs. The TSA has been lobbying the Government for more help alongside organisations such as UKHospitality. 

Like many of the businesses that have come forward to provide evidence for the TSA’s argument, Lincoln Laundry is a victim of circumstance. “In early March 2020 we had just finished moving into new premises,” says Ahmed. “We needed the extra space to help continue growing the business, although there were expenses with preparing the building and buying new equipment, we were well positioned to have a good year.”

But when lockdown was introduced at the end of March, all their customers closed and business dried up. The move to new premises had put them just over the threshold for higher rates. While Lincoln Laundry has been able to access the furlough scheme to help pay staff, they have been left out of the other measures put in place to help the hospitality industry, like rate relief and grants. “The government hasn’t been looking at the big picture,” says Ahmed. “They’re responding to the loudest voices in the room, but they’re not providing any help to the sectors that support the businesses that are getting financial aid.”

The local authority has done what it can, but “their hands are being tied by the government, with no room to consider cases like us.” With no rates relief, the business has had to go on a payment plan. “Our fixed costs don’t change whether we’re open or closed.  With 95% of our customers closed, we burned through our reserves just keeping things ticking over in the first lockdown,” says Ahmed. “No business can hold a full year’s income in reserve! Things looked up during the Eat Out to Help Out scheme in August, but slowed up immediately after.” With the second lockdown started in November, and the post-Christmas lockdown once again shutting its customers, Lincoln Laundry has seen its income shrink to almost nothing.

“The lockdown has also meant a lot of our debtors aren’t able to repay what they already owe, and we’ve seen a few customers go bust already. It all adds to the pressure – we’ve had to put in considerable amounts of our personal savings.  It’s been enormously stressful but we’re doing everything we can to ensure we’ll be able to continue supporting our customers when they begin reopening, as well as saving the jobs of our staff,” says Ahmed. “They’re like family to us, some of them have worked here for years and the depth of experience they have is a huge part of our success. They would be impossible to replace.”

Commercial laundries have always played an important (if hidden) role in the hospitality and foodservice industries.  With the increased focus on hygiene and cleanliness, as a result of the measures required to control the spread of Covid-19, laundries will be vital for a smooth recovery when lockdown restrictions are able to be relaxed. “We know we’ve got a viable business once things start opening up,” says Ahmed. “But the longer we’re left to look after ourselves, the harder it’s going to be to survive.

“In Scotland and Wales a much higher percentage of laundries are getting help, but in England supply chain businesses like us are being abandoned. Central government sets the rules, and the local authorities’ hands are tied. We did qualify for a small grant in November, but that barely made a dent in our costs, and barely even covered our rates for the month,” says Ahmed. “Even when we do reopen, our customers work on a 60 day cycle to pay their contractors, so it will take nearly two months before we get paid again.  Not having a sensible policy in place to support businesses like Lincoln Laundry is going to put the wider hospitality industry in a less stable place at a critical time.”

The TSA has been working with other trade associations to urge the government to provide the same level of help to commercial laundries supplying the hospitality industry that other businesses in the sector have been receiving. This includes amending guidance given to local authorities on discretionary grants, allowing more commercial laundries to qualify for rates relief, deferment of VAT until payback is viable, extending the terms of government loans until laundries can afford to repay them, and making more loans available during the bounce back.

“At the end of the day, we’re just asking for fairer treatment. Many businesses in other industries have been getting huge grants while they haven’t even had to close, but companies like us, in the supply chain, have seen 95% of business stop for a year, and we’re getting short shrift,” says Ahmed. “The government knows how important the hospitality and service industries will be to the future recovery of the country, but as it is they’re creating more problems by not supporting the supply chain that supports the industry.  If the supply chain goes under, the hospitality industry won’t be able to function.” 

If you wish to discuss the above or if you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3151 5600 or at

BSI UKCA Webinar

Brexit – Product Quality Compliance & Placing Products in the UK or EU Market 


The UK Government has confirmed that the UKCA mark has come into force on 1st January 2021, although CE marking will continue to be recognised in the UK until the end of 2021, as long as the UK and EU regulations remain aligned. However, from the beginning of 2022 only products with UKCA marking will be accepted in Great Britain. For more details, please click here.

If you placed goods on the market in an EU country (or in the UK) before 1st January 2021, you do not need to do anything. However, UK conformity assessment bodies cannot carry out mandatory conformity assessment for products being placed on the EU market. For more information, please click here.

Please see BSI’s webinar below which introduces UKCA and all the essentials you need to know: 

If you have any queries or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Local manufacturer launches student insight programme ahead of National Apprenticeship Week

5 February 2021

Specialist hygiene chemicals manufacturer Christeyns, has been working with local schools and running a successful apprenticeship scheme for many years. The firm fully supports National Apprenticeship Week, now in its 14th

Following continued interest from educational institutions across the city, the firm has this week introduced ‘The Christeyns Experience’ that will provide the next generation with both on-line and hands-on experience. Representatives from schools, colleges and educational institutions were invited to an online Breakfast Briefing to learn more about what the Christeyns Experience will be able to offer.

The majority of the work experience activities offered by “The Christeyns Experience” can be delivered remotely, so for now as an alternative to an on-site tour there will be virtual tours, online interview practice, online careers carousel meetings, and project work sessions will also be delivered remotely.  On-site work experience will be available in the future when Government policy allows.

“Apprenticeships are at the heart of our recruitment strategy at Christeyns and we are committed to developing the region’s future talent,” states Apprentice Scheme facilitator Neville Kildunne.   “The Christeyns Experience” is an additional way to support young people, tailored to suit students aged between 13-18.”

The Christeyns Apprenticeship programme is specifically designed to build understanding and gain real experience into how a manufacturing business operates.  The idea is to help prepare the next generation with key skills and knowledge for employment, along with insight into how a business operates, as well as an experience to remember.

Christeyns is also supporting the Governments Kickstart Scheme and will be providing three 18-24 year olds with valuable work experience, training and mentoring within the manufacturing areas of the business. This will run alongside its ongoing apprenticeship programme.

“Manufacturing is not always the first choice for young people, but with the support of National Apprenticeship Week, and now our new Christeyns Experience Scheme, we hope to change perceptions.

“Providing young people with the right skills and opportunities is vital for the future prosperity of both Christeyns and the industry,” concludes Neville.

In 2016 Christeyns won the Yorkshire Post Business in Excellence Apprenticeship Award and also hold the Investors in People Silver Award.

For further information visit 

Update from the TSA Chief Executive

Please note this news item is restricted for TSA members only. If you are a member already, please click here to log in.

If you are not a member and you would like to find out more about our membership benefits and how to become a member, please click here.

“Our business is crumbling before our eyes” – Wimbledon laundry speaks out on what lack of support is doing to the industry

Lack of response is making a tough situation worse, says director of Dash Linen

Dash Linen of Wimbledon, a family business with over thirty years of experience, operates a bespoke, high quality laundry service for a wide range of restaurants in London and the surrounding area. Like many commercial laundries it has been left to cope with the reduction in their business caused by the Covid-19 pandemic with no financial assistance from the government, putting the future of an industry that plays a key role in the hospitality sector at risk.  “We’ve been watching our business crumble before our eyes,” says Edward Syed, director of Dash Linen. 

The Textile Services Association (TSA) is once again amplifying its concerns about the government’s continued lack of support for businesses within the hospitality supply chain. The vital role commercial laundries play in keeping hotels, restaurants and a range of hospitality businesses running is being overlooked, and could disrupt the expected recovery.

The TSA has been urging the government to provide the same level of help to commercial laundries supplying the hospitality industry that other businesses in the sector have been receiving. That includes rates relief; amending the guidance to local authorities on discretionary grants, so that commercial laundries can be included; deferment of VAT until payback is viable; extending the terms of government loans until laundries can afford to repay them; and making more loans available during the bounce back.

The experience of Dash Linen is typical of the stories the TSA has been hearing from its members since the first lockdown began last March.  “The majority of our customers have been closed since the first lockdown,” says Edward. “We’ve lost a few altogether, as they change their operation, and some have gone bankrupt owing us money. It’s a difficult situation for everyone but it’s not being made better by the government’s scattershot approach to which businesses receive help and which don’t.”

The lack of support has already caused staff redundancies. “Before the pandemic we were employing 63 people. We had to make 14 people redundant in June 2020 after our request for grants was turned down, and since then another five have left of their own accord,” says Edward. “We’ve had a very low staff turnover, normally. Some of our staff have worked with us for over 20 years – it’s a very difficult situation. And needless to say, making everyone redundant would put us in an even worse situation.”

During the period where restrictions were eased, Edward noticed a significant drop in business compared to before the pandemic. “We used to be working six days a week. But at that time, despite the hospitality sector opening up, it was down to two.”

Edward thinks the relative invisibility of the hospitality laundry industry might be behind the government’s lack of response. “Very few people know how many businesses rely on commercial laundries,” he explains. “If you look at every piece of linen in a restaurant, or every piece of cloth in a hotel, it will be regularly cleaned by a laundry. But this is a hidden side to these industries.  The importance of ensuring that supply companies like us, who are vital to keep other companies running, are receiving the right help isn’t getting through to the right people.

“We’ve built this company up through hard work, and while we’ve never been eager to claim money from the government it’s in situations like this, where almost all of our customers have had to stop operating, that we really need the support – and we’ve just been ignored,” says Edward. “It feels particularly unfair considering the reports of how much money has been going to giant chains that haven’t been particularly affected by Covid-19.”

Without support, it is difficult for companies like Dash Linen to plan for the future. “At the beginning of December 2020 we were thinking that we might at least have an idea of how long it would take to get back to normality, but then we were put into Tier Four and lockdown and it seems like the government is still playing everything by ear, hoping things will somehow just work themselves out.”

Keeping the company going during these trying times has been difficult, and has caused a lot of stress for Edward and his family. “Dad started this business, built it up from nothing,” says Edward. “Seeing something that you’ve invested so much of your life into put at threat through no fault of your own, of following the government’s rules and then being left out to dry, has been really tough for him, and me too.”

Edward hopes that the government looks again at its rules and reconsiders the limits in place for which companies are eligible for assistance. “At a minimum, we need rate relief for at least a year,” he says. “But the council keeps deferring making a decision about it. Similarly, eligibility for support from local authorities is set by how much rates you pay. We moved above the cut-off point by just £1000 at the end of 2019 after investing in a larger building, but it’s marginal and it doesn’t change the fact that hardly any of our customers have been operating for almost a year.

“The hospitality supply chain is being overlooked by the government, and it’s putting a lot of companies at risk. This will only cause yet more problems further down the line: without us, much of the hospitality industry can’t operate.  I just hope that the government realises its responsibility to SMEs in this sector before it’s too late.”

For more about Dash Linen visit

If you wish to discuss the above or if you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 3151 5600 or at