Success Stories
Our working group Women in the Industry is leading the way for our Diversity and Inclusion topic. One of TSA’s first action points and as part of Women in the Industry’s initiative we are sharing and highlighting success stories of our laundry employees. Following our first entries last month, please see our next two fantastic entries below, congratulations!

Michelle Doyle
Loading Manager
Johnsons Hotel Linen Division, Leeds
Michelle has been in the industry for thirty years in various Operator/ Supervisory roles – starting at Brooks Service Group and moving to Whiteriver/Afonwen before JSG. She works extremely hard to ensure she achieves whatever specific target she is set and contributes to the team.
This hard work has finally paid off, and she now has the recognition she thoroughly deserves as she takes on the role of Loading Manager at our new £10 million facility in Leeds. I am sure her dedication, and experience will come to the fore, and she will make a success of her role, and be an integral part of the Leeds Management team.
Michelle has worked for me over three decades, and as well as experience, and dedication 100% support she brings true loyalty, which is a rare commodity. I am so pleased her efforts have finally been rewarded with this role.

Jorden Burton
Account Development Manager,
Technical Solutions
Micronclean Ltd
Jorden joined the business in 2011 as a Customer Service Coordinator. At age 18 she was completely new to the industry following a travel apprenticeship she entered upon leaving school. Jorden worked in Customer Service for 6 years and progressed to be Customer Service Supervisor within that time.
Jorden managed the Customer Service Team through a departmental merge of Microncleans’ textile and consumable divisions. In May 2019, Jorden branched out into the field and became an Account Development Manager for the Technical Division of Micronclean where she consults an extensive portfolio of some of the world’s largest companies advising the highest level of GMP solutions. Jorden is a rising star at Micronclean and the next stage of her career will be to be a part of the Management succession programme and will play an integral part to take the business into 2030 and beyond.

How to send your entries
With help of the group we have created a template in order for you all to send us your entries. It may be recognising a ‘Rising Star’, a long service award, a significant retirement or a member of the team who has contributed outside work with a local charity, whatever the story we want to hear from you and tell the industry about some of the amazing people we have in it.
Please note all genders can of course be entered but as this is part of the Women in the Industry initiative we do encourage you to enter your successful female colleagues in particular.
If you have any queries or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
T: +44 (0)20 3151 5600